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Black Friday Discounts for Developers and Bloggers

Black Friday 2020 Deals and Coupons on Web Hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS and Dedicated server hosting, Cloud hosting, Domains, Web Apps and Services.

Managing Bulk Redirects at the Cloud On The Edge

Using Cloudflare Workers to manage bulk URL redirects for your website without affecting your server or website performance.

Using System Font Stack on your Website

Boost your website or WordPress site performance and speed by using System Font stack with different implementation approaches.

How to schedule tweets on

Twitter finally lets you schedule tweets natively. It was only previously available via the ads manager or using a third party platform like hootsuite.

How to offset anchor links from snapping behind a sticky header

Learn how to prevent and offset anchor links from scrolling behind a sticky header by using scroll-margin-top CSS property.

YouTube brings ad formats for TV screens

YouTube is now bringing ads for its viewers on TV in the form of two new ad formats Skippable Ad Format and Survey Ad Format.

Learn to add an autocomplete input with HTML datalist

Learn how to create a fully functional autocomplete input field with just and only a few lines of plain HTML code, no JavaScript required.

Clear social share cache on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn in a few steps

Clear social cache and refresh data when your website content or blog post is shared on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn as tweets or posts.